By Sarah Bull Image via Unsplash
Tips for Taking Care of Yourself When Taking Care of Someone Else
Caring for someone else is a huge undertaking, even if it's a loved one. You may spend much of your time worrying about their needs and wants. It's easy to neglect your own needs, but don't let that happen. Read on for some tips shared by
Get Regular Exercise
Exercise plays a major role in your overall health. It helps control your weight and improves cardiovascular function. Since exercise stimulates the body to release endorphins, "feel-good hormones," it can help alleviate stress.
Regular exercise promotes better sleep and helps you better manage certain health conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. As a general guideline, Mayo Clinic suggests getting at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise each week.
And if you're looking for a workout buddy that will never let you down, look no further than your furry friend! Dogs make great exercise companions, and they can even help to hold you accountable. After all, they're always eager to get out and explore. Of course, before you hit the pavement with your pup, there are a few things you'll need. First, invest in a good harness. This will help to ensure that your dog stays comfortable during your walk or run. There are a variety of harnesses on the market, so be sure to do your research and read some reviews before making your final purchase. With the right gear in hand, you and your furry friend will be ready to take on the world (or at least the local park)!
Remain Social
Your caregiving responsibilities may cause you to often feel tired and opt to pass on social gatherings with friends. However, this may affect your mental health. Asbury notes that social interaction is necessary for brain health. It keeps your mind active, which can improve cognitive function.
Socialization may also help relieve stress. When you're with another person, you think about the interaction instead of the stressors in your life. In addition, you have someone to vent to if you're experiencing any difficulties as a caretaker. Being social can reduce depression by improving your self-worth.
Take Time to Do What You Love
Hobbies put joy into your life. They play a role in self-satisfaction by boosting your self-confidence. When you participate in hobbies, you're making time to focus on yourself.
In addition, hobbies act as stress relievers. It's a time you can focus on the activity rather than the responsibilities of being a caretaker or other stressors in your life. If you take a class to learn a new hobby, you can meet new people and get out and socialize more. It’s even possible to monetize your hobby so you can make some extra money on the side. You can start a side hustle and set your own hours so you can still handle your caregiving duties.
Remember to Take Time for Yourself
Don't feel selfish for thinking about yourself during this time. Your mental and physical health are still important, and you can't take care of your loved one to the best of your ability if you're not taking care of yourself.
Take time each day for yourself, even if it's just an hour to read, do yoga, or take a hot shower. Spend this time doing something you enjoy. “Me time” gives your mind a break from thinking about your responsibilities.
Consider Hiring a Lawn Fertilization Service
Unless you enjoy taking care of your lawn, yard maintenance is an additional, time-consuming responsibility that reduces the time you set aside for yourself. Hire a lawn fertilization service as well as a lawn maintenance service to remove these tasks from your to-do list and improve the appearance of your lawn.
Compare your options carefully before choosing a company. Take a look at reviews online to help you narrow down your choices. If price is a concern, look for companies that are currently running specials.
Make Time for You While Making Time for Them
While you may be a caretaker, you're still a human being with your own needs. Make sure you're taking care of your physical and mental health with time for yourself.